Apertium.Net (this link opens in a new window) by vonderborch (this link opens in a new window)
A simple library to help with using Apertium for machine translation.
A simple library to help with using Apertium for machine translation.
A package is available to install via nuget: NuGet Gallery | Apertium.Net 1.0.1
Documentation is currently available only on github. Documentation site and tutorial coming soon here!
Design Choices/Comments/Notes
Apertium is a pretty awesome project which provides machine translation for free (as well as allowing you to setup your own language servers). I highly recommend checking it out:
That said, using it with C#, there was only a single existing package and it was hosted on codeplex, so I wasn’t sure on how functional it was with any changes that may have happened since it was written.
As a solution, I ended up writing a pretty simple library that handles interacts with Apertium’s framework/APIs.