What may very well end up being my only post. This is probably the third or fourth time I’ve tried having a personal website to keep things organized for myself, and hopefully this time I’ll actually be motivated to keep it up-to-date (although with a soon-to-be-toddler, we shall see!).
I plan on using this site to contain descriptions of all apps/games/libraries/etc. that I might work on in my spare time, as well as containing documentation for those. Post-wise, I probably will write posts when a major change occurs to an existing “thing” or a new “thing” is released, and possibly if this site somehow takes off I may have some posts mid-development to discuss updates.
Potentially even further out, I may also rewrite this site myself, either using a framework like CodeIgniter (which I haven’t played around with for a very long time!) or writing a custom framework (more work, but more fun!).